Rob Kendal

Rob Kendal

Rob Kendal


I’m Rob Kendal, a freelance fullstack developer based in Yorkshire, UK. I run a micro agency called K-Tech that looks to offer web-based software consultancy services, especially in the UX/UI area.


  • a free service to help you find the best fully remote dev and tech jobs in the UK.


Website development

I provide classic brochure or informational website development which is most always powered by the Jamstack. We can take a set of dynamic backend data sources and pull them into a technology such as Next or Astro, and output a blazing fast, accessible static website for businesses looking for the best of all worlds.

Web app

For those looking for a little more than just static websites powered by dynamic backends, we can build fully-fledged dynamic web apps for things like dashboards, social sites, directory listings, or jobs sites. We connect clients’ data, integrations, then stitch it together to provide fast, purposeful sites built on the latest technology.

Enterprise software development

And finally, when it comes to medium enterprise organisations, I offer consultancy to design and build internal web-based software to solve their business needs.

How we use Supabase

Supabase is my preferred supplier for the backend layer. As a UI-focussed fullstack developer it’s really convenient and powerful to have a single service, such as Supabase.

By offering very common pillars of backend infrastructure, such as auth, storage, and a database, in one package, yet wrapped up in a really dev-friendly toolkit, it allows for rapid development of apps and services without the confusing, complex, and cumbersome architecture that comes with a platform such as native AWS.

I use it for a variety of use-cases, such as authentication to a private web app, metrics collection and storage, or in the case of my upcoming project, listings for an online directory.

Our Ideal Supabase Project

I love to work on projects where we can dig into the meat of the company to solve a specific business issue for them. For example, I was commissioned by a local equality and diversity firm to build them an internal platform to send out surveys and aggregate their data. This was to replace a costly and cumbersome, multi-platform system they currently used.
